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Country of Origin
Dr. Martin’s Mix
Sheri Hoffarth
Brown 1 to 1.5 lbs of pork sausage and then add: 1 chopped green pepper and 2 green onions, 2-3 celery stalks chopped. 2 Cups of chicken boullion, 1 Cup of raw rice (brown), 1 tbs of Worcestershire sauce and 1/2 tsp of salt. Then set to simmer for 1 hour at medium heat and then serve.
Pork sausage Green Pepper Green onions Celery Chicken Boullion Raw rice Worcestershire Sauce Salt
This is originally one of my grandma’s recipes and we have enjoyed this for many years it is one of our favorites to have as a family.
United States
Brazilian cheese bread!
Preheat oven to 400F degrees with a rack in the middle. Combine the milk, water, oil and salt in a saucepan and bring to a boil over medium high heat. Add the tapioca flour to the bowl of a stand mixer and, once the milk mixture boils, pour it over the flour. Turn the mixer on and mix it well. The texture will be fondant-like, really white and sticky. With the mixer still on, add the eggs, one at a time. You will think they won't mix, since the tapioca flour mixture is so sticky, but hang in there cause they will. Once the eggs are incorporated, add the cheese, a little at a time, until fully incorporated. The dough is supposed to be soft and sticky. However, if you're worried it's too liquidy, add some more tapioca flour. Just don't over do it or your cheese bread will be tough and not too gooey. To shape the balls, wet your hands with cold water and, using a spoon, scoop some of the dough to shape balls that are a little smaller than golf-sized. Place the balls on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper and bring it to the preheat oven. Bake for 15-20 minutes or until they are golden and puffed. Serve them warm! :)
• 4 cups tapioca flour • 1 1/4 cups milk • 1/2 cup water • 6 tablespoons oil • 1 1/2 cups grated parmesan cheese • 1 cups shredded Mozzarella cheese • 2 large eggs • 2 teaspoons salt
I’m not from the state of where this bread was invented but believe me: the whole country loves them. They’re great for snacks during the afternoon with a good coffee or a guaraná! It’s special to me because I donthose for my father and I.
easy kine manapua
jen m
1. In a medium saucepan, add the chicken broth, shoyu, oyster sauce, sugar, sesame oil, and cornstarch. Whisk to combine and bring sauce to a simmer. 2. Add minced char siu and diced onions to the sauce, stir to combine, and continue to simmer until onions are translucent and sauce is thickened. 3. Remove from heat and stir in chopped green onions. Let cool until room temperature and refrigerate til chilled. 4. Separate biscuit dough and flatten into a 4-inch round. Place about 2 tbsp of chilled filling in the center and pinch to close, forming a ball. 5. For steamed manapua, place the buns seam-side down on a square of parchment paper and place in steamer tray, with ample room between each bun. Steam the manapua until the dough has doubled in size, about 15-20 minutes. Turn off the heat and let cool before removing lid. 6. For baked manapua, preheat the oven to 350°F. Arrange the buns on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and bake until golden brown, about 15 to 20 minutes. Let cool. 7. (Optional) Whisk to combine 1 tsp chinese hot mustard with 5 tbsp shoyu for dipping sauce.
- [ ] Refrigerated buttermilk biscuit dough (e.g. Pillsbury), 2 tubes (7.5 oz each) - [ ] Char siu, minced, 1/2 pound - [ ] Diced white/yellow onion, 1/2 cup - [ ] Chicken broth, 1/2 cup - [ ] Shoyu (soy sauce), 1 Tbsp - [ ] Oyster sauce, 1 Tbsp - [ ] Sugar, 2 tsp - [ ] Cornstarch, 2 tsp - [ ] Sesame oil, 1 tsp - [ ] Chopped green onions, 1/2 cup - [ ] Chinese hot mustard (optional; mixed w/shoyu for dipping), 1 tsp
In Hawaiian language, mea`ono means something delicious and pua`a means pork. When put together, these two words describe the Chinese introduction of these steamed or baked buns filled with sweet pork. In Hawaii, we call these manapua, which is a shortened adaptation of the Hawaiian phrase. My mom taught me how to make this easy version of manapua at home with her when I was a child, so it brings back lots of fond memories of cooking with her.
United States (Hawaii)
Pane Frattau
Prepare the tomato sauce first: take the tomato pulp or sauce and, in a pan, add a drizzle of oil, onion, parsley and basil. Add some salt to taste and, if needed, a pinch of sugar to correct the acidity of the tomato. Heat the water (or broth), break big pieces of bread ("Frattau" means "in pieces" in Sardinian), dip them for a few seconds, enough to get softer (Carasau bread comes in crisp sheets), and place the wet sheets in a layer on a plate, cover with tomato sauce and Pecorino cheese. Dip more pieces of bread and place them on top of the layer of cheese just made, cover with sauce and top with grated cheese. Keep doing it until the desired layers are reached (I personally like 4-5 layers). Cook the poached eggs to add on top of the last layer, (I usually cook it in the very water or broth used to soften the bread), make sure that the yolk is still liquid, and sprinkle some salt on top. Not everyone likes the egg, so this step might be skipped to taste. That's pretty much it, serve and enjoy 💙💙💙
Doses for 4 people: For the sauce: 250 g of tomato sauce Onion, Basil and Parsley to taste Salt q.s. Extra virgin oil For the bread: 0.5 L of water (or broth) 6-8 sheets of Carasau bread 1 hectogram of grated Sardinian Pecorino (cheese) 4 fresh eggs (optional)
This dish is one of the most ancient recipes known in my island (since the middle ages), it's made with some of the simplest ingredients (but always high quality raw materials) and it's so easy that even I can cook it. It's important to me cause it was one of the dishes that my dad -that's no longer with us- used to love, and everytime my mom cooked it, it was a moment of pure joy for the both of us.
Green Bean Stew
Lenny Mika
1. Peel potatoes and cut them into small cubes 2. Cut smoked tofu also into small cubes 3. Cut onion and spring onions first into thin rings, then cut the onions a little smaller 4. Boil the vegetable stock 5. Add the potato cubes, let it simmer for a few minutes 6. Add onion and smoked tofu, let it simmer for 5-10 minutes 7. Add beans and spring onions, let it simmer for another 10 minutes 8. Add seasonings according to taste 9. Serve, eat, and enjoy!
25.5 fl oz vegetable broth 7 oz green beans 14 oz potatoes (preferable floury) 3 tbs and 1.5 tsp smoked tofu 1/2 onion 2 spring onions Seasonings according to taste (my recommendation: salt, black pepper, garlic powder, smoked paprika powder & parsley)
I always liked stews a lot (even as a kid when almost everyone my age was like "I want pizza!") but since I started living vegan it's a little harder to make the ones I used to eat as a kid. This recipe is actually my own creation - not that much different than my mom's non-vegan recipe, but it's still mine, and the perfect meal for colder weather!
King Ranch Chicken
Julie April Fan
Sautée onion and green pepper in the butter in a skillet until soft Add Rotel and both soups and simmer until bubbling Add chicken and simmer. In a 13x9 inch cake pan, layer the corn tortillas, chicken/soup mixture and cheese; repeat 3 times in layers. Bake in oven at 375 degrees for about 45 minutes (or until bubbling) Serve with cilantro on top, salsa, sour cream - whatever suits your taste!
1-2 cups of shredded chicken 1 yellow onion 1 green bell pepper 2 cans Rotel brand tomoatoes 1 can cream of chicken soup 1 can cream of mushroom soup 2 Tbsp butter (for sautée of vegetables) Cheddar or Mexican Style cheese (to taste) Corn tortillas
It’s something my family has made for years. It’s a great dish to take to a potluck
United States
Gnochi with figs
- cut up the garlic - cut the beef sausages - cut the leaks - bake in a baking pan the garlic and sausages together and after 5 minutes add the leaks - after another 5 minutes add the tomato’s, the figs and if needed a little bit of water to let the sauce stew - add pepper and salt to taste - bake the gnochi in olive oil until it’s crispy - add the gnocchi to a plate and cover it with sauce and fresh basil
For 2 people Table spoon of olive oil Pepper and salt 2 Beef sausages 1 clove of Garlic 1 can of diced tomato 500 gram Gnochi 2 leaks 4 dried figs Basil
This recipe is a happy place for me because I cook it when we have dinner guest. It’s easy and always a hit. The meal reminds me of family and sunshine. I hope you enjoy it ❤️
The Netherlands
Ann Byrne
Pre-heat oven to 325F/160C. Put the cheese spread in a large mixing bowl. Cook the rice, add to bowl and stir a bit so cheese melts into rice. Cook the broccoli & spinach, drain, add to bowl and stir a bit. Add the canned soup, mix all ingredients thoroughly. Pour mixture into a casserole dish, place into oven. Cook about 25 minutes or until it begins to bubble. Stir and cook about 5 minutes more. Serve as side dish (or as a main, as I do!)
1 cup uncooked rice (long-grained white or brown) 1-2 cups chopped broccoli & 1-2 cups frozen chopped spinach 1 can cream of mushroom soup 1 small jar “Cheez Whiz” or Kraft processed cheese spread (about 250 grams)
My mom got it from a friend, about 50 years ago. Her friend called it “pashalati” or something like that, and we never knew why, but the name stuck. It’s so easy to make, I’ve been making it myself all these years. People love it and ask me for the recipe, and are always surprised that it uses Cheez Whiz, lol!
USA but living in Oz
Grandma Shirley’s Buttermilk Pie
Kelli Adams
Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Lay the pie dough to over the bottom and sides of a pie pan (crimp the edges if you’re feeling fancy). Mix sugar, eggs, and flour by hand using a whisk until well combined. Add melted butter, buttermilk, and vanilla and mix again. Pour into pie pan on top of the crust. Bake for 45 minutes.
1 sheet refrigerated pie dough 1.5 cups sugar 4 eggs 1 TBS flour 4 TBS butter, melted 3/4 cup buttermilk 1 tsp vanilla
My grandma (on my dad’s side) always made this pie for Thanksgiving and Christmas. We waited all year to have it, and I have many fond memories of warm conversations over dessert. Now in her absence, I make my dad her pie every year, and it brings back wonderful memories for all of us. Not long after she passed, I entered it into a pie contest at work and won! (The themed decor displayed with the pie didn’t hurt either!)
Knox Blocks/Finger Jello
Dawna Jean Barnhart
Bring two cups of water to a boil and pour into a mixing bowl with the gelatin Stir until all of the gelatin is mixed and melted into the water Add 2 more cups of of warm water with the flavored jello Stir and then pour into a baking dish Place the baking dish in the refrigerator to cool and set Cut in squares and then let your grandchildren take out and eat (they can hold it in their hands like a gummy bears)
4 Knox gelatin envelopes 3 Flavored Jello boxes (6 oz) my kids favorite was blue raspberry 4 cups of water
My Mom use to make this for me and my sister It was also my go to for class parties With my children it was always a fun Easter snack - we had some egg molds to make them look like Easter eggs I started making the finger-jello for my Biology Classes when I was teaching gel electrophoresis as a fun treat- None of my students have ever had it before - which surprised me. Apparently I am old!
United States
Jackie's Lazy Roll or Carmel Cinnamon Rolls
Dawna Jean Barnhart
Mix the first five ingredients together Dissolve the yeast in the warm water (not to hot or it will kill the yeast) and then add to the mixture Cut in the 6 cups of flour a cup at a time and mix Let the dough rise and work it back down twice before you make into rolls Spray the casserole dish with cooking spay and then place the rolls in dish barely touching each other. Bake at 350 for 15 minutes or until tops are brown Take out and rub the rolls down with a stick of butter Sugar and Cinnamon Rolls with Carmel Topping 1/2 cup Brown sugar 1/4 cup of butter 1 tablespoon of light corn syrup Mix in a sauce pan on low heat, stirring slowly till it starts to boil Poor into a greased baking dish and add a nuts or chocolate chips then add the cinnamon rolls (directions below) Mix like above, let rise and work down twice Roll out dough and brush on melted butter Shake on a sugar/cinnamon mixture to the melted butter Roll up like a jelly roll and then cut into servings Bake at 350 for 15 minutes While warm flip the rolls out of the baking dish so the Carmel topping will flip out before it cools off
Dough Carmel Topping 2 sticks of melted butter 1/2 cup of brown sugar 1 cup of water 1/4 cup of butter 3/4 cup of sugar 1 tablespoon of light corn syrup 1 teaspoon of salt 2 beaten eggs 2 packages of dissolved yeast in warm water 6 cups of flour
This recipe has been passed down through my Mom's side of the (Miller/Statler) family The smell is amazing in the home and the warm rolls at a special meal brings our family all to the table.
United States
Cinnamon buns - Kanelbullar
Karin Österman
Preparation Crumble the yeast in a bowl and stir in a few tablespoons of milk. Melt the butter and pour the milk on it. Add the rest of the ingredients and knead the dough in a dough mixer for 10–15 minutes. Let the dough rise while covered at room temperature for 30 minutes. Roll out the dough so it is about 3 mm (1/8 in) thick and 30 cm (12 in) wide. Spread the room-temperature butter on top. Make a mixture of sugar and cinnamon and sprinkle it over the dough. Roll the dough the long way and cut the roll into about 25 slices. Place them with the cut edge upward in paper molds. Place on a baking sheet and let rise under a towel for about 60 minutes or until the buns have doubled in size. Beat together the egg and water, brush the mixture carefully on the buns and sprinkle pearl sugar on top. Bake in the oven (220°C/425°F) for 5–6 minutes. Allow to cool on a rack.
Ingredients (25 buns) 35 g (1¼ oz) yeast 100 g (3½ oz) sugar 300 ml (1½ cup) milk 1 egg 120 g (4 oz) butter 1 tsp salt 1 tbs ground cardamom 750 g (26 oz) flour Filling: 100 g (4 oz) butter 50 g (2 oz) sugar 2 tbs cinnamon Glaze (optional): 1 egg 2 tbs water pearl sugar
I grow up with the Swedish version of cinnamon buns - Cinnamon buns is very importen to the swedish Fika. I just love it. Fika The whole thing with coffee, buns or cakes and socialising has a word in Swedish: fika. Fika is a social phenomenon, a legitimate reason to set aside a moment for quality time. Fika can happen at any time, morning as well as evening. It can be savoured at home, at work or in a café. It can be with colleagues, family, friends or someone you are trying to get to know. It is a tradition observed frequently, preferably several times a day. Information from
Karin Österman
Preparation 1. Melt the butter and add the milk. Heat to 37°C. 2. Crumble the yeast in a bowl and add the cardamom or the orange peel. 3. Add the milky liquid and stir until the yeast has melted. Stir in the salt, the sugar and most of the flour, but save some for later. 4. Work the dough in a food processor for about 15 minutes. 5. Let it rise to twice its size in the bowl, about 40 minutes. 6. Place the dough on a floured pastry board and cut into pieces. Roll into buns and place on oven paper or greased baking sheet. Let the buns rise to twice their size, about one hour. 7. Brush the buns with egg. Bake in the lower part of the oven, at 225°C for around 8–10 minutes for large buns and 250°C for 5–7 minutes for small. Leave to cool on wire racks. 8. Cut off the bun tops. Scoop out the centre of each bun (about 2 tsp) and crumble in a bowl. 9. Rough grate the marzipan and mix it with the crumbs and milk into a creamy mass. 10. Fill the hollow buns with this mixture. 11. Whip the cream and squirt or spoon it over the filling. Place the top on the bun and dust with icing sugar. 12. Serve alone with coffee or in a deep bowl with warm milk and ground cinnamon, a hetvägg.
Semla recipe About 15 large or 25 small buns Buns 100 g butter 300 ml milk, 3% 50 g fresh yeast (for sweet dough) 1 tsp crushed cardamom or the grated peel of 1 orange ½ tsp salt 85 g sugar about 500–550 g plain flour 1 beaten egg for brushing Filling 200 g marzipan bun centres 100 ml milk 300 ml whipping cream Decoration Icing sugar for dusting
I love Semla - its something we eat in Sweden between Christmas and Easter. Its so good.
Vegan Swedish Meatballs
Karin Österman
Preparation Defrost the mince – about 45 minutes in room temperature. Finely dice the onion. Add the onion and all other ingredients to the mince and mix by hand. Add salt and pepper to taste. Shape into little balls, about 2 cm, and fry in a hot pan until nicely browned and firm. Take the balls out of the pan, then use the hot pan to make the sauce. Pour all the sauce ingredients into the pan and let boil for 2–3 minutes. Add salt and pepper to taste. Let the ‘meatballs’ heat up in the sauce, then serve with boiled potatoes and lingonberry jam.
Vegan balls 400 g vegetarian mince 2 tbsp oat cream 1 onion 1.5 tbsp vegetable stock 1 tbsp Chinese soy sauce ½ tbsp ground allspice a lot of dairy-free ‘butter’ for frying (if all-vegan) salt and black pepper Cream sauce 3 dl oat cream 1.5 tbsp vegetable stock 1 tbsp blackcurrant jam (without gelatine) 1 tbsp Chinese soy sauce 1 tsp dried thyme 5 dried juniper berries salt and black pepper
I grow up with Swedish Meatballs and I want my vegan friends could taste it also..
Sweidsh Meatballs
Karin Österman
Preparation Finely dice the onion and sauté gently in a little butter without browning. Soak the breadcrumbs in milk. Blend the ground meat, preferably in a food processor, with the onion, egg, milk–breadcrumb mixture and the spices to the proper consistency and taste. Add a little water if the mixture feels too firm. Check the taste by test-frying one meatball. Then shape small meatballs with the aid of two spoons and place on water-rinsed plates. Brown a generous pat of butter in a frying pan, and when it ‘goes quiet’ place the meatballs in the pan and let them brown on all sides. Shake the frying pan often. For the gravy, melt the butter in a pan. Stir in the flour. Add the stock little by little, while stirring. Bring to the boil and simmer for 3–5 minutes. Add cream and flavour with soy, pepper and the optional apple sauce or jelly. Serve with mashed or boiled potatoes and raw stirred lingonberries.
Meatballs 500 g (18 oz) ground (minced) beef/pork mixture 150 ml (4/5 cup) milk 75 g (¾ cup) white breadcrumbs 1 egg 1 onion salt, white pepper ground allspice Brown gravy 2 tbsp butter 2 tbsp wheat flour 4 dl meat stock ½ dl double cream 2 tsp Chinese soy sauce 1 pinch black pepper 1 tbsp apple sauce or jelly (optional)
I grow up with Swedish meatball and here is the link to the recipe
portuguese bean soup
jen ☆♪
fill a very large soup pot with enough water to cover 2 smoked ham hocks (usually sold frozen), and bring to a boil. cover with a lid and simmer on low for about 1 hour, until the meat has softened and the bones have released collagen into the water. using tongs, remove the ham hocks from the water and allow them to cool for a few minutes, then using a knife, remove the meat from the bones, chop the meat, and return the meat to the pot of water. discard the bones. add your diced onions, chopped carrots, diced potatoes, chopped celery, and chopped cabbage, and can of kidney beans and bring to a boil. simmer on low for 30 minutes or until vegetables are tender. add water as needed to cover ingredients and keep a soup-like consistency. add chopped portuguese brand sausage, tomato paste, tomato sauce, and elbow macaroni. stir and continue to cook on low heat until macaroni is al dente, about 10 minutes. add salt/pepper to taste and add minced cilantro. if soup has not reached desired thickness, add 2 tbsp of cornstarch slurry (cornstarch & water mixed) to thicken the soup and stir for 5 minutes. spoon soup into bowls and serve with hawaiian sweet bread rolls.
- 2 smoked ham hocks, boiled then chopped - 1 large onion, diced - 2 large carrots, peeled and chopped - 4 medium russet potatoes, diced - 1 bunch of celery, chopped - half a head of cabbage, coarsely chopped - 1 can red kidney beans & liquid - 1 large portuguese brand sausage, chopped - 1 can tomato sauce - 1 can tomato paste - 1 c elbow macaroni, uncooked - salt/pepper to taste - 1/2 bunch of cilantro, minced - 2 tbsp cornstarch slurry to thicken, if desired - serve with sweet bread rolls
portuguese bean soup is a food that is part of hawaii’s multiethnic culture and likely has its origins, like many local hawaii foods, in our history of plantation workers that emigrated to hawaii in the 1800s from various countries, such as china, japan, korea, the philippines, and portugal. the plantation workers often shared food and ingredients with each other, which led to a fusion of cuisines and also a fusion of language, which has resulted in Hawaii Creole English (commonly known as Pidgin in hawaii) that is still spoken by local hawaii residents today.
United States of America (state of Hawaii)
Chicken Spaghetti (Texasfied)
Dana Reed
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Cook spaghetti according to the package. Cube your Velveeta and mix with the 1 cup of chicken broth and heat on low until cheese melts. Combine the Rotel, both cans of soup, chicken, and spaghetti with the cheese. Bake in a 9x13 dish at 350 degrees for approximately 45 minutes **Recommend a light shake of "Slap Ya Mama" seasoning blend when plated**
1 Package of Spaghetti (broken into 2 inch pieces 2 Cups Shredded Cooked chicken 1 lb Velveeta Cheese 1 Can Rotel 1 Cup Chicken Broth 1 Can Cream of Chicken Soup 1 Can Cream of Mushroom Soup (May substitute Cream of Jalapeno or Cream of Pablano for one of the soups)
Family Tradition. The cream of Jalapeno and Pablano soups add a kick along with the seasoning blend. Enjoy this Texasfied version of a classic dish.
United States
Gooey Butter Cookies
Karen Sartorius
Beat the butter, cream cheese, egg and vanilla in a mixing bowl until light and fluffy. Stir in the dry cake mix. Chill, covered, for 30 minutes. Drop the dough by teaspoonfuls into a bowl of confectioners' sugar and roll into balls. Arrange on cookie sheets lightly coated with nonstick cooking spray. Bake at 350 degrees for 12 minutes or until golden brown. Cool on wire racks. Makes 3 dozen.
1/2 cup butter, softened 8 oz. cream cheese, softened 1 egg 1/4 tsp vanilla extract 1 (2-layer) package butter-recipe yellow cake mix 1 to 2 cups confectioners' sugar
Gooey Butter Cake is a staple dessert in my hometown of St. Louis, Missouri. It was supposedly made by accident in the 1930s by a St. Louis-area German American baker who was trying to make regular cake batter but reversed the proportions of butter and flour. This recipe is the cookie-version of the cake. It is one of my go-to recipes for potlucks and get-togethers with friends.
United States
Harvest Loaf Cake
Mindi Shelow
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Combine dry ingredients. Set aside. Cream butter then gradually add sugar, creaming well. Add eggs. Beat well at low speed or just use a whisk till well combined. Add dry ingredients alternately with pumpkin. Begin and end with dry stuff. Add chocolate chips. Put into a loaf or cake pan. Bake approximately 35 minutes or till toothpick comes out dry (except for melted chocolate. Don't be fooled. You don't want gooey pumpkin batter)
1 3/4 c flour 1 tsp cinnamon 1/2 cup butter 3/4 cup canned pumpkin 1tsp baking soda 1/2 tsp nutmeg 3/4 cup sugar 3/4- 1 cup chocolate chips either 1/2 tsp salt 1/2 tsp ginger 2 eggs semisweet or dark is what I like
Rachel's Guinness Shepherd's Pie
Rachel Beth Ahrens
Inspired by my late father's creation, my dad, Bob Ahrens, was experimenting in the kitchen one night when he found out how to put this recipe together as a happy accident! He used to be able to make this in time for St. Patrick's Day almost every year if he felt like cooking. I miss his cooking so much- Preheat the oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit Instructions: In a skillet, cook the ground beef until completely brown on the inside, then strain all excess moisture with a colander in the sink, return to stove. Add the Colman's seasoning mix and cup of water to the beef and stir constantly as the instructions on the packet say, then add a half of a bottle of Guinness gradually to the mixture. Cook the mixture entirely so the alcohol level is completely burned out. In a Pyrex or Correlle casserole dish, cut open the frozen bags of carrots and green beans and place them in the dish, then add the beef and stout mixture and stir well. With your thumb covering half of the holes of the McCormick shakers, sprinkle the rosemary and minced onion lightly on top of the mixture and stir that in. Set aside and prepare the baby red mashed potatoes as it says on the instructions of the instant packaging. Pour the mashed potatoes on top of the mixture generously, but gently, coat the entire casserole dish with a layer of potatoes. Last but not least, take a cheese grater and the block of New England sharp cheddar (or New York sharp cheddar, either one is fine), and grate the cheese over the mashed potatoes until it's well coated. Bake at 375 degrees until golden for about 35 minutes. Take the pie out of the oven immediately and put it on a cooling rack to let it settle for about 10 minutes. Serves 6-8. Enjoy! This is also a great meal that goes well with a glass of Guinness Blonde, which is brewed in my hometown of Baltimore, Maryland. Please enjoy responsibly if you're over 21.
1 pouch of Colman's Shepherds Pie seasoning mix, 1 pound of ground beef, 1 cup water, 1 family size packet of instant mashed potatoes (baby red potatoes preferred) -prepared, 1 Tablespoon of McCormick minced onion, McCormick Rosemary seasoning, 1 bag of frozen carrots (microwaveable), 1 bag of frozen green beans, half a block of New England sharp cheddar, and a half a bottle of Guinness stout
Breakfast Casserole
Kay Dow
Spray a 9x13 baking dish with Pam place the split bagels cut side down in the pan. Layer in the Hashbrowns, then the sausage/meat crumbles. Mix the seasoning into the eggs and half & half then pour over the top of the layers in the pan. Top with the cheese and baked for 30-35 minutes (or until eggs are set) @ 350 degrees. If desired can be served with salsa. Good hot or cold.
6 bagels 7 eggs beaten w a splash of half and half 1/2 bag of frozen Hash brown Obrien (I prefer shredded) 1/2 bag of Jimmy Dean sausage crumble, or meat lovers. or you can cook and crumble up your own 1 C. shredded fiesta blend cheese 1/2 teaspoon of Morton's Natural's seasoning.
Hayley Hollamby
1.Toast the oatmeal in a dry frying pan until it’s darkened in colour. Remove from the pan to cool. 2.Whisk the cream with the whisky and honey until it stands firm. 3.Carefully assemble the dessert in either individual glasses or a large glass bowl by forming layers of cream, coulis and oatmeal to end with a layer of cream. 4.Cover and allow to chill in the fridge for at least an hour. 5.Drizzle with honey and oatmeal before serving.
50g pinhead oatmeal 350g double cream 1 tbsp honey (plus extra for drizzling) 150g raspberry coulis 2 tbsp good malt whisky

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